갈라디아서 3장 9-10절읽고 생각하기/3국어 성경 말씀 2023. 4. 20. 08:00
그러므로 믿음에서 난 사람들은 믿음을 가진 아브라함과 함께 복을 받습니다. 율법의 행위에 근거하여 살려고 하는 사람은 누구나 다 저주 아래에 있습니다. 기록된 바 "율법책에 기록된 모든 것을 계속하여 행하지 않는 사람은 다 저주 아래에 있다" 하였습니다. _새번역성경
このように、信仰による 者は、信仰の人 アブラハムと 共に、祝福を 受けるのである。いったい、律法の 行いによる 者は、皆のろいの 下にある。 「律法の 書に 書いてあるいっさいのことを 守らず、これを 行わない 者は、皆のろわれる 」と 書いてあるからである。_口語訳
So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer. For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM."_NASB
So those now who live by faith are blessed along with Abraham, who lived by faith—this is no new doctrine! And that means that anyone who tries to live by his own effort, independent of God, is doomed to failure. Scripture backs this up: “Utterly cursed is every person who fails to carry out every detail written in the Book of the law.”_The Message
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