전도서 5장 15절읽고 생각하기/3국어 성경 말씀 2022. 6. 1. 09:30
어머니 태에서 맨몸으로 나와서, 돌아갈 때에도 맨몸으로 간다. 수고해서 얻은 것은 하나도 가져 가지 못한다. _새번역성경
彼は 母の 胎から 出てきたように, すなわち 裸で 出てきたように 帰って 行く. 彼はその 栄苦によって 得た 何物をもその 手に 携え 行くことができない._口語訳
As he had come naked from his mother's womb, so will he return as he came He will take nothing from the fruit of his labor that he can carry in his hand._NASB
He arrived naked from the womb of his mother; He’ll leave in the same condition—with nothing._The Message
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