잠언 29장 26-27절읽고 생각하기/3국어 성경 말씀 2023. 6. 6. 08:00
많은 사람이 통치자의 환심을 사려고 하지만, 사람의 일을 판결하시는 분은 주님이시다. 의인은 불의한 사람을 싫어하고, 악인은 정직한 사람을 싫어한다._새번역성경
治める 者の 歓心を 得ようとする 人は 多い、しかし 人の 事を 定めるのは 主による。正しい 人は 不正を 行う 人を 憎み、悪しき 者は 正しく 步む 人を 憎む。_口語訳
Many seek the ruler's favor, But justice for man comes from the LORD. An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked. _NASB
Everyone tries to get help from the leader, but only God will give us justice. Good people can’t stand the sight of deliberate evil; the wicked can’t stand the sight of well-chosen goodness._The Message
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