유다서 1장 12-13절읽고 생각하기/3국어 성경 말씀 2023. 11. 23. 08:00
이 사람들은 함께 먹을 때에 자기 배만 불리면서 겁 없이 먹어대므로, 여러분의 애찬을 망치는 암초입니다. 그들은 바람에 밀려다니면서 비를 내리지 않는 구름이요, 가을이 되어도 열매 하나 없이 죽고 또 죽어서 뿌리째 뽑힌 나무요,
자기들의 수치를 거품처럼 뿜어 올리는 거친 바다 물결이요, 길 잃고 떠도는 별들입니다. 짙은 어두움이 그들에게 영원히 마련되어 있습니다._ 새번역성경彼らは、あなたがたの 愛餐に 加わるが、それを 汚し、無遠慮に 宴會に 同席して、自分の 腹を 肥やしている。彼らは、いわば、風に 吹きまわされる 水なき 雲、実らない 枯れ 果てて、拔き 捨てられた 秋の 木、自分の 恥をあわにして 出す 海の 荒波, さまよう 星である. 彼らには、まっくらなやみが 永久に 用意されている。_ 口語訳
These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever._ NASB
These people are eyesores at your love feasts as you worship and eat together. They’re giving you a black eye—carousing shamelessly, grabbing anything that isn’t nailed down. They’re—Puffs of smoke pushed by gusts of wind; late autumn trees stripped clean of leaf and fruit, Doubly dead, pulled up by the roots; wild ocean waves leaving nothing on the beach but the foam of their shame; Lost stars in outer space on their way to the black hole._ The Message
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