방골주민 2023. 1. 24. 08:00

부자가 되려고 애쓰지 말고, 그런 생각을 끊어 버릴 슬기를 가져라. 한순간에 없어질 재물을 주목하지 말아라. 재물은 날개를 달고, 독수리처럼 하늘로 날아가 버린다._새번역성경

富を 得ようと 苦労してはならない、かしこく 思いとどまるがよい。あなたの 目をそれにとめると、それはない、富はたちまち 自ら 翼を 生じて、わしのように 天に 飛び 去るからだ。_口語訳

Do not weary yourself to gain wealth, Cease from your consideration of it. When you set your eyes on it, it is gone. For wealth certainly makes itself wings Like an eagle that flies toward the heavens. _NASB

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich; restrain yourself! Riches disappear in the blink of an eye; wealth sprouts wings and flies off into the wild blue yonder._The Message