방골주민 2022. 4. 22. 08:00

사람에게는 먹는 것과 마시는 것, 자기가 하는 수고에서 스스로 보람을 느끼는 것, 이보다 더 좋은 것은 없다. 알고 보니, 이것도 하나님이 주시는 것, 그분께서 주시지 않고서야, 누가 먹을 수 있으며, 누가 즐길 수 있겠는가? 하나님이, 마음에 드는 사람에게는 슬기와 지식과 기쁨을 주시고, 눈 밖에 난 죄인에게는 모아서 쌓는 수고를 시켜서, 그 모은 재산을 하나님 마음에 드는 사람에게 주시니, 죄인의 수고도 헛되어서 바람을 잡으려는 것과 같다._새번역성경

人には, 食べたり 飮んだりし, 自分の 労苦に 満足を 見いだすよりほかに, 何も 良いことがない. これもまた, 神の 御手によることがわかった.に, 神から 離れて, だれが 食べ, だれが しむことができようか.なぜなら, 神は, みこころにかなう 人には, 知惠と 知識と 喜びを 与え, 罪人には, 神のみこころにかなう 者に 渡すために, 集め, たくわえる 仕事を 与えられる. これもまた, むなしく, 風を 追うようなものだ._ 新改訳

There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God. For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him? For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God's sight This too is vanity and striving after wind. _NASB

The best you can do with your life is have a good time and get by the best you can. The way I see it, that’s it—divine fate. Whether we feast or fast, it’s up to God. God may give wisdom and knowledge and joy to his favorites, but sinners are assigned a life of hard labor, and end up turning their wages over to God’s favorites. Nothing but smoke—and spitting into the wind._The Message