고린도후서 5장 9-10절읽고 생각하기/3국어 성경 말씀 2023. 3. 15. 08:00
그러므로 우리가 몸 안에 머물러 있든지, 몸을 떠나서 있든지, 우리가 바라는 것은 주님을 기쁘게 해드리는 사람이 되는 것입니다. 우리는 모두 그리스도의 심판대 앞에 나타나야 합니다. 그리하여 각 사람은 선한 일이든지 악한 일이든지, 몸으로 행한 모든 일에 따라, 마땅한 보응을 받아야 합니다._새번역성경
そういうわけだから、肉体を 宿としているにしても、それから 離れているにしても、ただ 主に 喜ばれる 者となるのが、心からの 願いである。なぜなら、わたしたちは 皆、キリスト のさばきの 座の 前にあらわれ、善であれ 悪であれ、 自分の 行ったことに 応じて、それぞれ 報いを 受けねばならないからである。_口語訳
Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. _NASB
But neither exile nor homecoming is the main thing. Cheerfully pleasing God is the main thing, and that’s what we aim to do, regardless of our conditions. Sooner or later we’ll all have to face God, regardless of our conditions. We will appear before Christ and take what’s coming to us as a result of our actions, either good or bad._The Message
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